Benefits of Avocado fruits for pregnant women ( Book on herbal medicine ) |
bookonherbalmedicine - The Avocado is fruit that is good for consumtions because the vitamin is in it. Vitamin C in fruit and fery well suited for in mothers who are going through the process. Consumption may be an option for maintaining healthy fetus alternativ.
Having a healthy heart fruit is the dream of every mother. Therefore, in order to have a healthy heart fruit, you have to take care of him from the womb. One way is to consume the avocado a fruit because it has many benefits for pregnant women. The following benefits of avocado for pregnant women.
Benefits Of Avocado Fruits For Pregnant Women
Avocados contain a variety of substances and vitamins needed skin in the formation of the collagen network, besides fruit avocado also contains nutrients, iron, calcium, phospor, zodium, potassium, vitamins A and C, and also vitamin B complex, and e. the presence of nutrition-nutrition above capable of delivering nutrient intake on the fetus for a better body.In addition to beneficial to the health of the skin and hair of avocado fruit is also useful to prevent Spina Bifida in fetuses that were conceived. Spina Bifida is the discharge of spinal cord tissue from your back. The risk is inhibited by folic acid contained in avocado.
Folic acid is an important nutrient consumption for pregnant women in order to avoid the heart fruit candidate defects of the brain and spinal cord damage.
Not a difficult to consume the fruit of avocado on a regular basis at the time of pregnancy. With regular consumption, the fetus in the uterus will grow healthy.Book on herbal medicine
Is there any other benefits of an Avocado is :
1. Lowering the levels of body kolestrolConsume fruit avocados can lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood so that it is able to suppress the occurrence of heart disease. Research experts say consuming fruit avocados can lower the 17 percent cholesterol in the body.
2. Maintain eye health
Kadungan carotenoids in fruit avocados will be converted into vitamin A which serves to provide protection against eye health. Vitamin A is also found in the fruits of melon and guava.
3. Regulate blood pressure and blood sugar
The content of potassium in avocados are able to stabilize and control blood pressure. Avocados contain unsaturated fats that are able to restore the insulin resistance that helps the body to regulate blood sugar regularly. In addition, dietary fiber in it also helps maintain blood sugar levels.
4. increase weight loss
The high calorie content and have good nutrition, avocado fruit is able to increase the weight. Well suited for you guys that have a skinny body.
5. Protect the skin
Avocado fruit has vitamin E which is very well to skin health. Vitamin E contained is able to regenerate skin cells that have died and are able to protect the skin from the Sun's radiation.
Behind its apparently small avocados have myriad health benefits against the body. The fruit is consumed in the form of regular juice, it's like any sweet and tasty. So, konsumsilah fruit avocados regularly to maintain your health.
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