Fetal development in the womb is indeed very susceptible to influences that occur either caused or derived from the pattern of your life so that the resulting disruption in fetal development. Having a baby is born healthy into the expectations of every pregnant woman, range way done to maintain the health of your baby. Even many traditions that developed in the community related to pregnancy, a tradition that was aimed at keeping the fetus for nine months until the birth. Medically there may be some traditions that could be accepted although most thus remains the development of medical research to find out the relationship between traditions that evolved with the pregnancy. During pregnancy you are required to meet the nutritional intake as a supporting one wrong fetal development during pregnancy. There are also some food consumption abstinence be or lifestyle that will affect the health of the fetus.
Here are the restrictions for pregnant women associated with daily activities and also the consumption of certain foods:
20 Dietary Restrictions For Pregnant Women
Raw foods that come from animals and vegetables have a high risk of triggering health disorders. The food of fish raw like sushi, meat half mature and raw cookie dough contains bacteria, viruses, and parasites more so that interfere with fetal development to you. In the age of the content especially if the young chicks are just as vulnerable to miscarriage. Raw vegetables such as raw sprouts have a much higher risk of bacteria compared to other vegetables. It's good you consume these foods with cooked cooking to avoid health risks. (Other articles: young pregnant women healthy food)
Generally sea fish is very good for health, including the health of your fetus. But you have to be selective because of the type of fish containing mercury is not good for your fetus. Fish that contain high mercury fish was kind of mackerel, swordfish, tilefish feared his right disturbing mercury content of brain development and the nervous system of the fetus.
If your spouse or child, the others have a history of allergy to certain food types, then the risk of allergies allow experienced by your fetal bladder. Avoid this type of food allergy triggers such as e.g. nuts or petrol, both products when pregnant or breastfeeding can decrease the risk of allergy in children.
Alcoholic beverages will impede the intake of nutrients for the fetus you additionally required oxygen the fetus would be bogged down. Alcohol effect on fetal brain ability so to those of you who consume alcohol when containing high risk in some disorders of infants at birth including IQ and physical disorders.
Much research that links between caffeine with pregnancy. In normal circumstances it does not contain caffeine is not good is consumed in excess amounts every day as well with the pregnancy because of the caffeine content of a cup of coffee, drinks suplemen will result in the risk of miscarriages and infants born with low weight even in severe cases will result in death at birth.
When you're an extra calories do require contains will but in sufficient amounts in the right portion. This is to avoid the problem of obesity for those of you who are pregnant. Pregnant women who are obese before pregnancy and because it will increase the risk of babies born with weight high or exposed to the risk of diabetes. But that does not mean you can lose weight during pregnancy is impeding the nutrients to the fetus.
Use warm clothes will increase risk much less in the abdomen that would interfere with fetal development. For those of you who want a lot of fashionable maternity clothes that you can choose what you should know is that clothes do not have the inflatable belly. This is done for the health of you and your fetus.
Smoking habit that stays done during pregnancy will cause the babies born with low birth weight. Such a State is not good for the baby because it can cause a child not being able to study in the future. Not only that, your child can nicotine addiction, even he will tend to smoke when it was still early.
Raw milk has not been pasteurized not recommended consumed by pregnant women. Pasteurization is done aims to eradicate the bad bacteria using heat. If you are going to consume milk or petrol products, you should more thoroughly and carefully. Pay attention to the packaging, are already through the process of pasteurization or not. Unpasteurized milk contain bacteria listeria risk which will increase the risk of miscarriages and serious illness.
Cat droppings can be a habitat for parasites that are dangerous to pregnant women. Parasitic infection can cause symptoms that may initially unconscious and perceived by the mother. However, the chances of pregnant women may be experiencing a miscarriage or a baby is born in a State of death. However, if a baby can be born with a parasitic infection, survivor State will make baby psychiatric illness or experiencing spasms.
During pregnancy the mother should avoid a room-temperature environment or heat. Based on research, the risk of miscarriage is experienced by the mother will increase to two-fold when mother soaking in hot water or make a sauna in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
During pregnancy the mother is advised not to consume drugs in the absence of instructions from the doctor. The reason, drugs consumed by pregnant women can enter the placenta and fetal circulation in the uterus. Even some types of drugs are known to be in the secretion through breast milk (BREAST MILK), consequently the levels in baby body circulation will equal levels in the body of the mother. Which under certain conditions can cause hazard for babies.
Some kind of particular drug can be consumed by the mother during pregnancy or during lactation if indeed proven safe, safe for the mother being pregnant or for fetuses that were conceived. However, a dangerous type of medication can affect pregnant women and the fetus was conceived. Not all mothers know where drugs can be consumed and medications that should not be consumed. So that not a few mothers who consume drugs haphazardly is even in the absence of instructions from the doctor. Because like that, before certain types of drugs or consume traditional medicine such as herbs, we recommend that you consult your doctor first to ensure its security. Do not easily believe on those who provide opinions, because not everyone knows it for sure.
High heels shoes that is favored by women because it makes the body look tall and beautiful . However, during pregnancy high heels its use is not recommended. The reason, the use of high heels during pregnancy will cause the muscles in the area suffered waist stretch. Because as it is, pregnant women may complain of weariness and pain in his waist area. Such a State is caused because during pregnancy the woman will experience changes in the axis of the body. The body will be leaning more towards the future and pregnant women will seek to uphold her body backwards, the way is by stretching the muscles of the back and the waist. So when expectant mothers continue to use shoes with high heels, then stretching the muscles will be growing in the area of the back and the waist due to increasing mother load, both from her womb or the mother's high heels. So as a result of this state of affairs will make the waist and back mother experiencing sore and pain.
High heels are used during pregnancy can disrupt the balance of the body of the mother, especially if the pregnancy is getting enlarged. Even the use of high heels will increase the risk of falls and mother of course will be very dangerous for the mother and the fetus was conceived. If the mother has been dropped, as a result of the mother and pregnancy can be experienced trauma. Even worse consequences that can be experienced mothers miscarry or defects of the fetus. For that reason, avoid wearing high heels during pregnancy for the sake of convenience and safety of pregnant women, as well as the fetus was conceived.
Anti mosquito is considered the most effective way to prevent mosquito bite. However, the use of insect repellent during pregnancy is not justified. Because, in the anti mosquitos contained chemicals is active and included in the classes of pesticides. These chemicals will cause side effects, one of which IE can trigger the onset of nerve damage. Even insect repellent that is sprayed contains kerosene which will trigger the onset of kidney damage a fetus that was conceived. As for the insect repellent in the form of lotions that contain corrosive skin dioles. Where corrosive can be absorbed by the skin and become toxins in the body.
Knowing that, the use of insect repellent during pregnancy, be it electric fuel, insect repellent, spray, lotion is highly not recommended to use during pregnancy.
To avoid mosquito bites, pregnant women can benefit from netting in bed or put gauze on any home ventilation. To make it more secure, the mother can use eucalyptus oil as medicine anti mosquitos.
The diet should not be done during pregnancy. In addition to harm pregnant women, dieting is done during pregnancy can harm the fetus was conceived. When the mother did diet during pregnancy, then the consequence will be a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other substances that are required during pregnancy. The State of the mother's belly will be progressively enlarged during pregnancy. Because as it is, diets that do no use at all, it will only harm.
As long as this circulating that pregnant mothers are prohibited from driving a car or motorcycle because it will affect the pregnancy. The assumption is not true, because not to do pregnant women not riding a motorcycle or car, but should not be driving it with a bad pass. The reason, will cause the occurrence of shocks on the pregnancy itself. When pregnant women too often experienced the shock, then the consequences will cause trauma to the pregnancy. In addition, would result in the back muscles, waist, thighs and bellies of pregnant women experience stretch so that the effect of pregnant women will be easy once experiencing fatigue.
If the mother had to go through an ugly road, then reduce speed can do or find a better way is the right choice. If the mother's pregnancy is getting enlarged or when the gestational age 7 months to top the mother should not drive a car, when the mother's tummy is getting enlarged feared can be annoying when mother riding a steer, a result of mothers feel uncomfortable.
During pregnancy, the mother should avoid chemical hair treatments such as hair rebonding, curls or change the color of the hair by using hair dye. The reason, the chemicals contained in the hair care products can fit into the pores of the scalp, then get into the mother's bloodstream and it would be very dangerous to a fetus that was conceived. So consequently can increase the risk of the fetus is born with a disability.
In addition, the use of cream hair removers should be avoided during pregnancy. Cream hair removers contain harsh chemicals that are easily absorbed by the skin, which will harm the fetus in the womb.
Lotions and skin cleansers which contained salicylic acid should be avoided during pregnancy to take place. Because, if the mother uses in high doses can cause fetal defects.
Sunscreen with chemical protection containing avobenzone and oxybenzone will be easily absorbed by the skin. The use of this treatment products may affect fetal development in the womb so that pregnant women should avoid its use.
Skin Whitening product with hydroquinone. These chemicals can affect enzymes that are present in the body, and will withstand the natural materials required by the fetus in the womb. In addition, whitening products that contain synthetic materials should be avoided because it can make the mother experiencing allergy.
Skin care products containing parabens. Based on studies of these compounds can cause disruption of the reproductive system of male babies.
Acne medication which contained Retinol A has a function to Peel a dead skin. Please note, the use of this type of acne medicine in high doses can lead to the development of the baby to be hampered.
The acne medications contained benzoyl peroxide in it. This acne medication goes into category c. research on acne medication has been conducted on animals, the results of which may cause an adverse effect on the fetus. Despite that there has been no controlled studies in women.
Acne medications that contain hydrocortisone can lead to babies born with defects, even a fetus in the womb can experience poisoning.
The acne medication accutane are contained in it. The use of this acne medicine is done by way of oral. We recommend that you avoid using this medication during pregnancy because it can cause babies born with defects or increase the risk of fetal birth defects.
Acne medication used for facial treatments that contain salicylic acid may lead to the occurrence of complications in pregnant women.
Beautiful nails and beautiful is always yearning to every woman. To get her nails like that woman willingly perform various treatments, although the charges do not have to spend a little. Treatments that can be done to beautify and enhance your nails is to do a manicure and pedicure. However, during pregnancy manicures and pedicures are best avoided. In certain Nail Polish contained phathalates. Where such chemicals may cause problems on the reproductive system.
Basecoat, top coat and acetone is Nail Polish which, if inhaled affects pregnancy. Based on the research stated that many health disorders of pregnancy occurs, like e.g. birth defects or infant death experienced by workers working salon while they were pregnant.
So some dietary restrictions for pregnant women. To the health of the mother and the fetus is conceived, avoid all restrictions described above.
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Dietary Restrictions For Pregnant Women - http://www.bookonherbalmedicine.tk/ |
Here are the restrictions for pregnant women associated with daily activities and also the consumption of certain foods:
20 Dietary Restrictions For Pregnant Women
1. Raw food
Raw foods that come from animals and vegetables have a high risk of triggering health disorders. The food of fish raw like sushi, meat half mature and raw cookie dough contains bacteria, viruses, and parasites more so that interfere with fetal development to you. In the age of the content especially if the young chicks are just as vulnerable to miscarriage. Raw vegetables such as raw sprouts have a much higher risk of bacteria compared to other vegetables. It's good you consume these foods with cooked cooking to avoid health risks. (Other articles: young pregnant women healthy food)
2. Fish with Mercury Content
3. Food Allergy Triggers
4. Alcoholic beverages
5. Caffeine
6. excess Calories
7. Wear Leotards
8. Smoke
9. Milk that is not Pasteurized
Raw milk has not been pasteurized not recommended consumed by pregnant women. Pasteurization is done aims to eradicate the bad bacteria using heat. If you are going to consume milk or petrol products, you should more thoroughly and carefully. Pay attention to the packaging, are already through the process of pasteurization or not. Unpasteurized milk contain bacteria listeria risk which will increase the risk of miscarriages and serious illness.
10. Clean the Feces of cats
Cat droppings can be a habitat for parasites that are dangerous to pregnant women. Parasitic infection can cause symptoms that may initially unconscious and perceived by the mother. However, the chances of pregnant women may be experiencing a miscarriage or a baby is born in a State of death. However, if a baby can be born with a parasitic infection, survivor State will make baby psychiatric illness or experiencing spasms.
11. Soaking in hot water or a Sauna
12. Taking the drug without any Guidance from a doctor
Some kind of particular drug can be consumed by the mother during pregnancy or during lactation if indeed proven safe, safe for the mother being pregnant or for fetuses that were conceived. However, a dangerous type of medication can affect pregnant women and the fetus was conceived. Not all mothers know where drugs can be consumed and medications that should not be consumed. So that not a few mothers who consume drugs haphazardly is even in the absence of instructions from the doctor. Because like that, before certain types of drugs or consume traditional medicine such as herbs, we recommend that you consult your doctor first to ensure its security. Do not easily believe on those who provide opinions, because not everyone knows it for sure.
13. Use high heels
High heels are used during pregnancy can disrupt the balance of the body of the mother, especially if the pregnancy is getting enlarged. Even the use of high heels will increase the risk of falls and mother of course will be very dangerous for the mother and the fetus was conceived. If the mother has been dropped, as a result of the mother and pregnancy can be experienced trauma. Even worse consequences that can be experienced mothers miscarry or defects of the fetus. For that reason, avoid wearing high heels during pregnancy for the sake of convenience and safety of pregnant women, as well as the fetus was conceived.
14. Wear Anti Mosquito
Knowing that, the use of insect repellent during pregnancy, be it electric fuel, insect repellent, spray, lotion is highly not recommended to use during pregnancy.
To avoid mosquito bites, pregnant women can benefit from netting in bed or put gauze on any home ventilation. To make it more secure, the mother can use eucalyptus oil as medicine anti mosquitos.
15. Do the Diet during pregnancy
16. Through the Ugly
As long as this circulating that pregnant mothers are prohibited from driving a car or motorcycle because it will affect the pregnancy. The assumption is not true, because not to do pregnant women not riding a motorcycle or car, but should not be driving it with a bad pass. The reason, will cause the occurrence of shocks on the pregnancy itself. When pregnant women too often experienced the shock, then the consequences will cause trauma to the pregnancy. In addition, would result in the back muscles, waist, thighs and bellies of pregnant women experience stretch so that the effect of pregnant women will be easy once experiencing fatigue.
If the mother had to go through an ugly road, then reduce speed can do or find a better way is the right choice. If the mother's pregnancy is getting enlarged or when the gestational age 7 months to top the mother should not drive a car, when the mother's tummy is getting enlarged feared can be annoying when mother riding a steer, a result of mothers feel uncomfortable.
17. Do Chemical Hair Treatments
In addition, the use of cream hair removers should be avoided during pregnancy. Cream hair removers contain harsh chemicals that are easily absorbed by the skin, which will harm the fetus in the womb.
18. Skin care
Sunscreen with chemical protection containing avobenzone and oxybenzone will be easily absorbed by the skin. The use of this treatment products may affect fetal development in the womb so that pregnant women should avoid its use.
Skin Whitening product with hydroquinone. These chemicals can affect enzymes that are present in the body, and will withstand the natural materials required by the fetus in the womb. In addition, whitening products that contain synthetic materials should be avoided because it can make the mother experiencing allergy.
Skin care products containing parabens. Based on studies of these compounds can cause disruption of the reproductive system of male babies.
19. Acne medicine
The acne medications contained benzoyl peroxide in it. This acne medication goes into category c. research on acne medication has been conducted on animals, the results of which may cause an adverse effect on the fetus. Despite that there has been no controlled studies in women.
Acne medications that contain hydrocortisone can lead to babies born with defects, even a fetus in the womb can experience poisoning.
The acne medication accutane are contained in it. The use of this acne medicine is done by way of oral. We recommend that you avoid using this medication during pregnancy because it can cause babies born with defects or increase the risk of fetal birth defects.
Acne medication used for facial treatments that contain salicylic acid may lead to the occurrence of complications in pregnant women.
20. Manicure Pedicure
Basecoat, top coat and acetone is Nail Polish which, if inhaled affects pregnancy. Based on the research stated that many health disorders of pregnancy occurs, like e.g. birth defects or infant death experienced by workers working salon while they were pregnant.
So some dietary restrictions for pregnant women. To the health of the mother and the fetus is conceived, avoid all restrictions described above.
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