Stimulates brain development of infants with 10 tips

Stimulates brain development of infants ( Book on herbal medicine ) - Did you know,that old people and people who are parenting provides a very significant influence on the development of a child's brain? Baby's brain is developing Although since I was a fetus, the first six years of life is the most important time for the development of a child's brain. For that we need to know the stages of its development so that we can maximize the talent at each stage.

Although many parents believe that the talent possessed by children is the legacy of his parents but the ability will be optimal if you are able to support it since the early ages of your children. On the newborn consists of 100 billion cells are connected, these cells will always connect to your child is 3 years old.
Even the research found that the age of the deposits of 6 months, 75% baby brain ability of adult brain and entered the age of eight months of content has the ability in response to events in the vicinity so that at the age of 0 to 3 years some much-needed support to be able to optimize the capabilities of your baby's brain. Optimize the capabilities of your baby can be done by way of developing the intelligence of his brain from a variety of support since the baby. One of the things you can do with arranging needs nutrients and of course the nutrients can support in the development of his brain as omega 3 in addition the various activities in the form of communication that you do on a baby then, touch, sight and light movement like a hug will help your baby in stimulating ability of his brain.
Here are 10 tips to Stimulates brain development of infants that you can do:

1. Do a relaxing massage in your baby, some research found by performing a massage relaxing in infants will stimulate the baby's brain nerve cells connected so that your baby's brainpower will be optimal.

2. you can help your baby to do light gymnastics special baby with baby hand moves the way then crossed to the front of his chest four times followed by moves stiffly like he was pedaling a bicycle as much as four times the count, do when you invite your baby to play. (Read also: baby games)

3. you can stimulate your baby's language skills by speaking asked her even though your baby doesn't understand, however, how this will help her in teaching pattern of talk and conversation.

4. Baby did not fully understand what we're point out when talking to him but you can stimulate your baby's brain with the ability to talk with extreme intonation.

5. Some of the ways you can do one of these by providing stimulus to the music of a certain one of them classical music. In addition to listening to music every now and then you can sing one of the songs to make babies predict and menghapalnya. To do with the way over and over again.

6. Select several images that make it interesting, on the stage of the initial introductions you should only give two images with a contrasting color for easy understanding him.

7. change the position of your baby for 30 minutes once so that your baby is able to see him once in a while you can make your baby's position to stand on his back, and tengkurup. Pangku in hugs you legs shake occasionally to stimulate movement.

8. on your baby's middle ages entered three months you can invite him to introduce the beauty of nature, you can stimulate his brain with the ability of living things that he saw.

9. Hug your baby is one of the inducements to his brain in introducing a sense of love and compassion can be taught since your baby was born.

10. Recommend your baby with another child, your baby will interact with how to introduce brother, neighbors and baby sebayanya will assist in the adjustment in perkembangannnya.

By knowing the times children's brain development, we can provide a positive influence at every stage so that children become more intelligent. For example, to teach vocabulary and language skills, are doing especially at the age of 6-12 months. Invited talk even though he may not yet understand, is the most powerful way to stimulate the development of the language. As for introducing other languages, please do so at the age of 6-10 months. Because of the development of language skills occurs from birth to 3 years.
Similarly, when choosing toys, select corresponding to each stage of its development in order to stimulate the development of his intelligence, motor, emotional, as well as logic.

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