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Cervical cancer stage 4 and symptoms |
Cervical cancer stage 4 and symptoms - Cervical cancer was diagnosed as stage IV disease is generally detected from abnormal pelvic examination or the symptoms produced by the cancer patients. After the evaluation examination of cervical cancer, cancer stage IV said there if the cancer has surpassed cervical to the adjacent organs, such as the rectum or bladder (stage IVA), or cancer has spread to distant locations in the body which may include bone, lung or liver (stage IVB). Cervical cancer is diagnosed at this stage are often difficult to treat, and a small percentage of patients who recovered from the disease.
Various factors ultimately influence the patient's decision to receive cancer treatment. The purpose of receiving treatment for cancer may improve symptoms through local cancer control, increasing the chance the patient to recover, or extend the survival of patients. The potential benefits of receiving cancer treatment should be more careful and well balanced with potential risks of receiving cancer treatment.
The following is a general overview of the treatment of stage IV cervical cancer. Finally can affect how the principles of common treatment is applied to the situation of people with cancer stage 4.
Most of the new treatments developed in clinical trials. Clinical trial studies that evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs or treatment strategy. The development of more effective cancer treatment requires that new and innovative therapies be evaluated with cancer patients. Participation in clinical trials may offer access to better treatment and advancing existing knowledge about the treatment of this cancer. Clinical trials available for most of the stage of the cancer. Patients who are interested in participating in a clinical trial should discuss the risks and benefits of clinical trials with their doctors. To ensure that sufferers can undergo treatment as appropriate.
Patients diagnosed with stage IV cervical cancer can be divided into two groups. Patients with disease confined locally, but involve adjacent organs in the pelvis, such as the bladder, rectum and the condition of the local stadium IVA cervical cancer.
Other patients have disease that has spread to distant organs, most often the bones, lungs, or liver and has a metastatic stage IVB cervical cancer. Management of patients with metastatic disease of the IVB stage aimed at controlling symptoms and pain. After undergoing treatment for cervical cancer, the doctor will continue to follow you to check to see that the cancer has not returned or no progress.
The Treatment Of Cervical Cancer Localized Stage IVA
Stage IVA cervical cancer best when managed by a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is treatment with high-energy x-rays that have the ability to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be given by a machine that aims the x-ray in the body (external beam radiation) or by placing a small capsule of radioactive material directly near the neck of the uterus (internal or implant radiation). Most patients will receive both types of radiation therapy for the treatment of them. External beam radiation therapy for cervical cancer given at the outpatients for about 4 to 6 weeks.
During or immediately after the external beam radiation therapy, patients can also undergo radiation implant procedure. Placing radiation in high doses of radiation treatment, allows for submitted to cancer while reducing radiation on the surrounding normal tissues and organs. During the procedure in the operating room, a small device placed into the cervix and also on the part of the vagina and then be done with radioactive material. Radioactive material left in place while the patient remains in the hospital for 1-3 days. This process can be done once or twice during treatment.
The strategy of administering chemotherapy concurrently with radiation treatment will help because of the chemotherapy and radiation therapy may act together to increase the killing of cancer cells. Chemotherapy can also damage the cells independent of radiation therapy. Several clinical studies conducted in patients with local advanced cervical cancer utilizes concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy has suggested that this strategy can improve the rate of remission and prolong survival. To definitively determine whether the radiation therapy is given together with chemotherapy is superior to radiation therapy, some clinical studies designed to directly compare the two treatment in patients with advanced stage cervical cancer.
One important clinical trials conducted by various groups of Oncology in the United States have shown that radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy for advanced stage cervical cancer is superior to treatment with radiation therapy alone. Even patients with stage III or IVA cervical cancer suffered a 5-year survival rate of 63% compared to 57% for patients treated with radiation therapy alone. The possibility of a recurrence of cancer is 42% for patients treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy compared to 62% for those treated with radiation therapy alone. Concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy well tolerated except for gastrointestinal and hematologic side effects is small, which is reversible.
Further research is underway to determine whether additional chemotherapy drugs or radiation doses can improve the outcome of patients with locally advanced cervical cancer. At least four clinical studies have confirmed that the treatment of advanced cervical cancer with chemotherapy and radiation therapy Platinol based concurrent superior radiation therapy alone.
Treatment of metastatic Stage IVB Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer that has spread to distant organs and bones are difficult to treat. Historically, patients with metastatic cervical cancer was considered incurable and rarely survive more than one or two years. Some patients were offered treatment with chemotherapy for the purpose of extending the duration of their survival and reduce symptoms of progressive cancer. Another patient managed with efforts to reduce pain or bleeding, including local radiation therapy to the affected part of the body.
There is no good single chemotherapy approach may increase the length of survival in patients with metastatic cervical cancer. Unfortunately, this usually works to chemotherapy only a few months before cervical cancer started growing again. Most patients still succumb to the cancer and treatment strategies are better obviously needed.
Strategies to improve Treatment
The progress that has been achieved in the treatment of cervical cancer has been generated from the development of a better treatment in patients with more advanced stages of cancer and participation in clinical trials. While some progress has been made in the treatment of metastatic cervical cancer, the majority of patients still succumb to the cancer and treatment strategies are better obviously needed. Future progress in the treatment of cervical cancer will result from further participation in clinical trials. Currently, there are several active exploration areas aimed at improving the treatment of cervical cancer.
Supportive Care
Supportive care refers to care that is designed to prevent and control the side effects of cancer and its treatment. Side effects not only causes inconvenience to the patient, but can also prevent the delivery of optimal therapy at a dose and schedule planned. To achieve optimal results from the treatment and enhance the quality of life, it is very important that the side effects of cancer and its treatment appropriately managed. For more information, visit Care supporters.
Radiation Technique
External beam radiation therapy can be delivered more appropriate to the cervix using specialized CT scan and the target computer. This capability is known as three-dimensional Conformal radiation therapy, or 3D-CRT. The use of 3D-CRT appears to reduce the chance of injury to the body structure nearby, such as the bladder or rectum.
Biological therapy
Therapy biologik happened naturally or synthesized substances that directs, facilitates or enhances immune defences is normal. The goal of therapy is to have their own biological attacks the patient's immune defenses and destroy the cancer cells. Biological therapies include interferon, interleukin, monoclonal antibodies and vaccines. In an effort to improve the survival rate, and other agents being tested alone or in combination with chemotherapy in clinical trials.
Phase I Trials
New chemotherapy drugs continue to be developed and evaluated in patients with recurrent cancer in phase I clinical trials. The goal of this phase I trial is to evaluate new drugs to determine the safety and tolerability of the drug and the best way to give the drug to the patient.
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