Breast Cancer - Here's some Food Triggers breast cancer that in to fear every woman !!!


Here's some Food Triggers breast cancer that in to fear every woman

Breast Cancer - Here's some Food Triggers breast cancer that in to fear every woman !!!

Breast cancer is the disease most feared women after cervical cancer. The American Cancer Society in 2012 release mortality due to breast cancer women amounted to 226,870 cases. But make no mistake, this cancer can not only attack the woman. Any man can also be affected by breast cancer although the percentage and probability smaller than females.

Various studies on breast cancer experts continue to seek treatment and prevention. One method of prevention that is currently most widely recommended to be applied is avoiding food triggers breast cancer. Food is indeed the main factor of the emergence and disappearance of a disease in the body. We often do not realize that the food that we consume everyday turns out to be the biggest triggers the onset of breast cancer. Therefore, before all late and many cancers are rampant, there is no harm in starting now we are more aware of and implement healthy eating pattern advice in order to avoid breast cancer. Thus, any food triggers breast cancer be avoided? Refer to the list below.

1. Processed meats

Processed meats contain artificial preservatives when too often consumed much less in the long run will trigger the growth of cancer cells. In fact, many of our everyday consumption which are often due to practical and delicious. It's good now to avoid a variety of processed meats below;

Pork (bacon), beef, chicken and smoked Turkey
Hot dog

Read more >> Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

2. Red meat

Not only processed meats that are harmful to the body, it turns out that red meat is often referred to as food healthy food can also be a trigger for cancer. Research of Harvest Medical School mentioned that the consumption of red meat such as pork, beef and mutton can enhance the development of bowel cancer.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol is indeed not a food, but a lot of processed food which is mixed alcohol as the amplifier sense. A study in the United States that alcohol is a trigger for the second largest cancer after tobacco. Women who consumed 200 cc of alcohol per day have a risk of breast cancer have a 30 percent greater than those who don't.

4. French fries

You may shock because the fries seemed like everyone's favorite food is often consumed daily. But the fact is, French fries contain acrylamide (a carcinogenic substance which will be formed on the food that is processed at high temperature) which increases the risk of not only breast cancer, but also a wide range of other cancers in the human body. If you want to keep consuming potatoes, steaming or mix it in batter vegetable soup will be much more healthy.

 5. The Popcorn

Popcorn is a favorite snack of many snack people while watching a movie or enjoying a relaxing atmosphere with family and friends. But beware, most of the popcorn is made by using the microave where layers of chemicals at microwave that makes food crisp and fresh proved it can cause a variety of ailments such as lung damage, breast cancer, liver cancer, and infertility. Cook popcorn manually with the pot even though it feels certainly will not be cooked with delicious wear a microwave.

6. Refined sugar

Refined sugar is very often consumed daily in a variety of foods such as cakes, pies, breads, cereals, vegetable stir fry, soup, not to mention in tea, juice and coffee that you drink everyday. It turns out that refined sugar will make the surge of insulin in the body that trigger cancer cell growth is much faster. Replace Your refined sugar with honey for more record-breaking profits.

7. Fruit exposed to Pesticides

The fruit is indeed healthy and full of nutrients that barely contain the negative substances for the body. However, the fruits are grown with dangerous methods such as sprayed pesticides to prevent spoilage and pests be attacked easily. Contaminated pesticides on fruits if consumed and enters into the body will certainly make cancer cells encouraged to grow. Make sure you choose jelly and wash the fruit well before consumption.

8. Salmon Farms

Salmon is a favorite fish for many moms who were at the time of introducing healthy food at Childs. Indeed reasonable because salmon contain lots of protein and high in omega 3 fish exceeds the other, However, it is only found in wild salmon that live in the ocean. Along with the increasing demand for salmon on the market make the producers chose the path of salmon farms as a means of fulfillment of consumer demand. Salmon are bred in farms found to have 30 times more sea lice and causes high levels of mercury, dioxins and PCB in it. buy salmon that has a specific label that it is wild salmon that comes from the ocean.

9. Tomato Cans

Canned tomatoes are widely available in the form of sauces, pasta or sweets. Henceforth stop buying tomatoes in cans because a layer in a can generally put the chemical bisphenol-A that is toxic to the body and accelerates the onset of cancer cells. Instead, buy a fresh tomato or processed tomatoes are packed in glass bottles.

10. Cooking oil

Everyday, we are difficult to be separated from the use of cooking oil as most processed food are fried foods. In fact, cooking oil could be a boomerang for the human body because it can change the structure of cell membranes in the body and spark hoarding fat that may result in fatal diseases such as cancer and coronary artery disease. Change Your cooking oil with coconut oil or olive oil which lower glikemiks levels and certainly more safe for the body.

11. Burned food/Baking

Carcinogens formed when food is processed by means of burned or baked in a long time and are somewhat charred black. That wretched, food like this is precisely the very popular as on grilled chicken, grilled fish, satay, and many others. Carcinogens will form in the body's cells and triggers the growth of cancer 2 times faster.

12. the Crackers and chips

Do you include people that hard away from eating crackers and chips while watching television? Beware, consume foods that crisp crunchy as it doesn't bring nutrients to the body at all. Crackers and chips processed in high temperatures up to formed carcinogens and many contain trans fats and high levels of salt. The full sequence of the already dangerous diseases that can arise such as coronary artery disease, liver damage, kidney failure, obesity, and cancer. When it's still hard to avoid it, consume only occasionally and try not in the excessive portion.

That's the list of food triggers breast cancer who may unknowingly very often we consume daily. Starting from now,always be careful in buying, cultivate and eat the food you consume. In addition to the food factor, breast cancer can also be avoided by adopting a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise every day so that the body's cells continually regenerate and improve durability and health of your body.

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