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Cause the occurrence of brain cancer |
Cause the occurrence of brain cancer - ( Book on herbal medicine )
Brain cancer begins with tumor growth in the brain. A tumor, either in the brain or elsewhere is a mass of cells that multiply uncontrolled way. Brain cancer that comes from a tumor in the brain is called a primary brain tumors. The tumor can spread and destroy nearby parts of the brain. In addition, cancer of the breast, lungs, or blood (leukemia or lymphoma) can also spread (metastasis) to the brain, causing metastatic brain cancer.
Although the causes of brain cancer have yet to be found for sure, but the factors that can increase the likelihood of development can be a brain tumor this note:
Genetic Risk Factors
Anything that refers to a gene can be called "genetic '. In the case of hereditary brain tumors, mutations or changes the sequence of DNA that make up genes, passed from parent to child to Grandma. Most of the genetic risk factors are not inherited at birth, but actually evolved over time as we get older.
Genes are the instructions for operating the entire body. While most of our genes do work as expected, a number of other small can become inactive or stopped working. The gene is inactive or broken can change how cells grow, which in turn can lead to tumor development ((URabta.org, Brain Tumour Risk Factors, accessed 05 November 2014)).
causes-cancer-brain-11. In Family History
In the case of a brain tumor that occurs, about 5% have a relationship with genetic factors (offspring), as well as the condition of Li-Fraumeni syndrome, neurofibromatosis, nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, Turcot syndrome, von Hippel disease-and Lindau. The scientists also found a "cluster" of brain tumors without any connection with this hereditary condition and research is being done to try to find the cause.
2. changes to Chromosomes
Every normal cells in every human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes. The most common chromosome changes in brain tumor occurs on chromosome 1, 10, 13, 17, 19, and 22. Changes in chromosome 1 and 19 were most often found in oligodendrogliomas and changes in chromosome 22 is most often found in meningiomas.
Perhaps we are experiencing concerns about brain tumors that occur due to hereditary factors. For it to start to know your family history with a consult with a family doctor. Although routine screening for brain tumor is currently available (a way of preventing breast cancer or cervical cancer early), however the characteristics and symptoms of brain cancer such unusual headaches or loss of short term memory can be investigated in the family history or everyday conditions.
Environmental Risk Factors
Much research has been done on a number of potential environmental risk factors. Of the many factors that are examined, only one exposure to ionizing radiation which has been clearly proven to increase the risk of developing a brain tumor. Some studies have shown that a history of allergies, the mother of adults consume fruits and vegetables during pregnancy, children who consume vegetables and have been having chickenpox, suggests that the potential for the development of a brain tumor this declining.
3. Electromagnetic fields
Many iformasi who thrive on the energy from the power grid or the use of these phones, allowing increased risk in the occurrence of brain tumours. This is the reason of the actions of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the restriction against the use of mobile phones and replace it with a headset or hands free for adults and children.
causes-cancer-brain-24. Radiation
Radiation treatment techniques to the head done on previous pain including ionizing x-ray, in some cases have demonstrated the Association against the factors that develop the risk of brain cancer.
5. Viral infections and Allergens
Infections of Epstein Barr virus (EBV) affecting the increase of risk of lymphoma. EBV is also better known as the virus causes mononucleosis. In other studies, the high level of virus called cytomegalovirus (CMV) have been found in the tissues of brain tumor but the meaning of these findings still in research. Some other types of viruses have been shown to cause brain tumors are done in experiments on animals, but there is still much needed data to know whether exposure to viral infections can be the cause of brain cancer ((URcancer.net, Brain Tumors: Risk Factors, accessed 05 November 2014))
6. The compound N-nitroso compounds existing
Some of the research done on diet supplements and N-nitroso compounds existingshows that an increase in the risk of brain tumors in children and adults. N-nitroso compounds existing compound is formed in the body, originating from the substance nitric or nitrous that many contained some meat, smoke cigarettes, and cosmetics.However, further research is still needed to prove it will cause brain cancer.
It is important to note that the causes of brain cancer does not accurately due to environmental factors, which means that the entire research results can be inconsistent. Further studies should be done before believes that environmental factors such asconsumption of particular food (nitrites), smoking, the use of cell phones is the absolute risk factors for brain tumors.
Other Supporting Factors
7. Age – risk of developing brain cancer, also affected by the increase of the age. A brain tumor is most common in older adults. However, a brain tumor can occur at any age and some types of brain tumor occurs exclusively on children.
8. Gender – brain cancer in General is more likely to occur in males than females, however some types of brain tumors such as meningiomas, occur more frequently in women.
9. Race and ethnicity – in the United States, whites are more likely to develop glioma (a type of brain cancer) but less likely to develop meningiomas than blacks. Similarthing also happens in people from Northern Europe are twice as likely to develop brain tumors.
Each of us must understand how the cause of brain cancer this could exist in the body. This is the right way to prevent the occurrence of deadly brain cancer.
nice information about health brother
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