Cervical Cancer and Prevention

Cervical Cancer and Prevention - Book on herbal medicine

the disease becomes a frightening spectre for every woman. No one is aware of the symptoms, even survey shows women are terinfeki human papillomavirus (a cause of cervical cancer) just checked myself after being on stage 3 that makes the sufferer gets damaged the organs in his body. Do not cover the possibility of the pattern of your life at risk are having cervical cancer.

Do cervical cancer prevention by means of the following:

1. Grant of a cervical cancer vaccine

Cervical cancer malignancy can strike women regardless of age group. The vaccine can be given in the age group 11-26. The vaccine is given in 0.1 and 6 months. Unisex for those of you who have a history of terinfesi human papilloma virus vaccination can be given with less efektifias. Vaccination can be done at the obstetrician. Vaccination is only done for prevention rather than treatment.

2. Detection with Pap Smear

Pap smear or test the papaniculou method for screening can detect cervical cancer. This test has proven to be able to detect the early onset of virus infections cause cervical cancer, so it was able to lower the risk of cervical cancer and improving the prognosis. As for the suggestion for those of you who want to prevent early on can do a pap smear once a year for a woman who had 35 years of age, women who never suffer infection HPV, contraceptive pill users. Do as often as possible if the results of your pap smear shows normal or not after treatment prekanker. For those of you who will do the pap smear results accurate judgments in order to note:

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Do pap smears in the two weeks after the first day of menstruation.
Before the examination should not use drugs or herbal ingredients washer tool femininity.
Sufferers of post childbirth comes recommended 6-8 weeks to do a pap smear.
During the 24 hours before the examination is not recommended for sexual intercourse.
You'll get the pap smear in accordance with results after taking the surface cells of the cervix using a spatula, which later will be processed by a pathologist.

3. avoid free sex

Human papilloma virus (HPV) that causes cervical cancer virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. The facts show the sexual relationship with menggonta-replace pairs the leading cause of transmission of HVS.

4. avoid smoking

A lot of messages and warnings stating that smoking is extremely harmful and triggers the onset of mild disease or dangerous, but for most people (smokers) still think poorly of that message. For you women, cervical cancer sufferers are 30 percent of women are smokers. The cause is the content of chemical substances contained in cigarette igniting viral infections cause cervical cancer.

5. Avoid unbalanced diet

The diet has become a habit of women that is important to keep the body shape and health. If you often go on a diet and avoiding the intake of fruit and vegetable diet, it is wrong. The wrong diet can trigger the development of virus causes cervical cancer. The content contained in vegetable and fruit thus can help to protect you from attack cervical cancer. Note also the food and drink you should not contain harmful chemicals like preservatives, dyes and penyedao taste.

6. hazardous chemical products

Modern life is precisely the incidence of cancer triggers instans. Malicious content within a wrapper and plastic materials are exposed to the heat triggers the onset of cancer. Minimalisir the use of sterofom, plastic materials are heated or exposed to plastic
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