efficacy garlic as an anticancer to help relieve respiratory


efficacy garlic as an anti cancer to help relieve respiratory !!!

Did you know, It turns out that garlic has already used since the days of yore as preventive medicine or treat a variety of disease threats. No wonder that the people of the era used to look stronger and fresher in his daily activities without undergoing plagued with many other health complaints.

Besides those times used to be generally not too "indulgent" pain who attacked them with a little-bit of the consumption of drugs or go to the doctor. When they start to realize something is starting to feels uncomfortable with their bodies, then they will be directly utilizing the bottom white as a "weapon" to combat the disease that he felt.

There are even people who enjoy garlic by directly eating it raw, without worrying about the smell of breath they will like what. This is in General can be consumed in the form of powder or oil form. Nutrition and various medicinal properties in garlic is what makes it so rewarding.

Well, before knowing what benefits can be granted by the garlic when it is consumed. Let us know in advance, like what are the content of nutrition in garlic.

The Content Of Nutrition On Garlic

There are a myriad of nutrition that may not know contained in garlic. Now knowing these nutritional you will probably start to stop making fun of this material as a seasoning ingredient disgusting.

the content of these nutrients include vitamin C, selenium, zinc, manganese, vitam B6, calcium and phosphorus.

In addition, the usefulness and benefits of garlic was created because this material has some useful substance the only wrong is Allicin. This compound digadang-gang became the most important substance that has the ability to kill microbes, such as the germs that can cause the onset of the disease will be in the body. With so when you begin to feel the symptoms of minor ailments caused by the presence of viruses and bacteria, this one will be able to use for your bidders or anti germs.

Not only that, also contained in garlic ajoene, allin and other compounds that are believed to have an impact both to be launched in the circulation of the blood, good for digestion and helps increase your immune system. As we know the impact of the erosion of the immune system is the incidence of several diseases including cancer. Thus the bottom white is one of those drugs that can be enabled to prevent ourselves from cancer risk.

The Benefits Of Garlic For Health


Antibacterial and antiviral

Garlic benefits first is its antibacterial and antiviral. To this end, the garlic can work in controlling the infection due to the presence of viruses and bacteria that enters the body. In addition, the fresh garlic can also be estimated to prevent food poisoning by killing the bacteria which are contained therein, such as e. coli that Salmonella enteritidis, Overload and other types of bacterial viruses.

Modern science has shown that garlic is the best natural antibodies and strong despite having a broad spectrum. But fortunately the bacteria cannot evolve into resistant to bottom this white, this is certainly not the case in modern pharmaceutical antibiotics are widely available.

Treat A Cough

Because of the sulphur content owned by garlic make it have a distinctive scent to enhance and accelerate the work of the membrane and respiratory in channel mokus which this condition will be able to improve and help sections respiratory tract mainly the throat becomes more relief and accelerated spending of mucus are in the respiratory tract.

The raw garlic contain phytochemicals that can help kill the bacteria and viruses that can cause the disease shows up in the body. In a study conducted revealed that the garlic oil and produces crushed yan will be able to kill the rhini virus type 2. I need to know the type of this virus is the virus that can cause pain generally flu and colds. In addition, another effect of garlic oil is killing 2 kinds of herpes a skin disease which is contagious.

Increase The Durability Of The Body

Several other studies also reveal that garlic has a good antioxidant effect which can protect the body from free radical exposure spread over aerial and outdoor nature can damage cells in the body. Damage to cells in the body due to free radicals can cause a dangerous cancer disease which is difficult to treat.

Overcoming Respiratory Problems

Garlic has been since used to be trusted by the people of mainland China, Greece and Egypt as a remedy relieve breathing, treat tired, obviating the bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Even this herb has existed since thousands of years is believed to be good in the fight against respiratory problems above.

For that reason considering the benefits that are good for your health, then there is no reason to not like the seasoning on this one. In addition to delicious aroma and taste delicious cuisine, apparently on the little white has myriad benefits for health.

From now on there is no harm if you include garlic in dishes that are made for families to make them to avoid exposure to the disease because their subjects are good in raising antibodies.

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