The lung is an organ of the respiratory system and included into the system of the cycle of vertebrate breathing. The function of this section is the exchange of oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide that comes from the blood with the help of hemoglobin.
Lung cancer pulmonary responses and find out the cause
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The lungs are located inside the chest cavity, the thoracic cavity. This section is protected by a structure of clavicle and is covered by two layers of walls known as the pleura. These two layers are separated by a layer of air which is also known as the pleural cavity contents are in the form of pleural fluid.
Humans inhale air to get oxygen, but not all of the air is inhaled it will be used by the body, because it can be mixed with various types of gas soft sand aerial.
When we breathe, your lungs will pull air from the Chamber throat. Well, when exhaled, order on the ribs would be interested go to daram and diaphragm under the rib cage will move slowly with go to. When the lung shrunk, the air sacs inside little by little will be pushed out through the windpipe stem. With so you will be able to exhale with ease.
Unfortunately the system has a very vital functions in the body is often susceptible to diseases caused by the influx by bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms into the body, settles on the part and in the end make this part easy once stricken with the disease.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the cleanliness of the parts of the lungs and including all members of the other body to prevent contaminated with dirt. Because just like a river, part of the lung that are tainted with impurities would make this section a vulnerable exposed to diseases that are damaged.
When the lungs are having problems and damage, then the impact would be dangerous. As for the most common impacts which could indicate if the lungs are having problems is the incidence of tightness or trouble breathing.
Imagine when usually you always breathe easily and without the presence of an obstacle, but with your breath suddenly becomes so difficult and seems to feel so heavy, then certainly this condition will torture you and make you the trouble to be able to run such activities as on normal conditions.
Did you know? the damage to the lung generally are more often caused by a bad habit that is often done by the sufferer. One of the problems that can attack the lungs is the incidence of lung cancer. This condition is more often triggered due to a pile of cigarette smoke that occurs in the long term. To this end, smokers especially the male will usually be higher risk against diseases on this one.
As with other cancers lung cancer is a dangerous health condition when it is not soon resolved and look for the solution. This is due to its relation to the parts of the breathing. Well to know what it looks like further clarification regarding lung cancer disease that can strike, let us refer below.
cancer of the lung
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Lung cancer is a malignant tumor or cancer that grows from the cells of the lungs whether cells that attack the lungs right or both. Of course we already know that the lung is a pair of organs that hangs in our chest structure similar to a sponge that can inflate deflate during the dna of someone breathing.
Well, now what would happen if it turns out the organ part attacked with disease cancer, so it's no wonder if the lung cancer is one of the dangerous cancer for risks could be life-threatening to the sufferer.
Lung cancer comes from the spread of cancer to other so-called secondary lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the actual types of cancer can be prevented. There are at least 80 to 90 percent of cases of lung cancer are closely related to a person's smoking habit.
In the early stages of symptoms or signs of the cancer does not appear to be too obvious. But then the symptoms will be felt is a cough that occurs on an ongoing basis so as to make the cough conditions experienced by the sufferer deteriorates until it makes it experienced a bloody cough, often feel exhausted for no reason, there was a decrease in body and feel out of breath even when he is not activity.
The impact of most of the ones encountered in the case of lung cancer is more common in males. Cancer of this one is even touted as the second most common cancer of her by men and the third most common cancer of her by a woman in Singapore.
These data indicate that fact smokers are now not only occurs in men only, because the fact of the matter now many women who became an addict smoking. Already not taboo anymore stuff when we go to the mall or eating at a restaurant or a cafe, then we would easily find women with cool the midst of enjoying a puff of smoke that inhaled from each cigarette lit.
Conditions such as these of course being things that fateful and so sad. When the drums of war begins to promote the fight against cigarette smoke, some even cool air fouled with each puff of smoke that they blowing. Without them even knowing, adverse impacts of cigarette smoke is not only felt by them, but also the innocent others that exists around them they have tasting shortness and the bitter smell of cigarette smoke that was so annoying. Thus, exposure to dangerous diseases such as lung cancer will necessarily involve those people who don't smoke but affected by exposure to smoke
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers that occur in the world and can affect everyone even those who are not smokers though and the impact of this disease can be hard to treat.
That is why we must as far as possible seek to prevent this terrible disease so as not to threaten the people we care about. Fortunately, this cancer is one disease that cancer can be prevented. By avoiding certain risk factors in the prevention of lung cancer can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer of the type that this one.
Symptoms Of Lung Cancer
Symptoms arising from cancer this one generally will depend on the location of the tumor growth and spread of the levels already growing in the lung. In most cases, lung cancer showed no symptoms in the early stages. However, as a common symptom which comes first when someone with this type of cancer is usually in the form of symptoms are mild and will continue on a more specific symptoms in a form already.
To know for certain one way that can be done is by regularly evaluating medical checkup (MCU). Well, to know like what kind of symptoms would appear to mark the disease lung cancer include:
- Dry coughs are emerging but never cured
- Chronic cough or cough long especially in smokers.
- Pneumonia or bronchitis frequently recurring
- Chest pain
- Bloody phlegm, change colors and more
- Bloody cough
- Shortness of breath
- Short of breath and asthma such as people with asthma
Other symptoms that accompany it:
- Hoarseness/raucous.
- Enlarged and fingertip pain
- Emotions are unstable, changeable mood, lethargy, depression
- Abnormal breast growth in men
- Weight decrease and loss of appetite
- Bone pain
- Headache
When someone is experiencing one or more of the symptoms mentioned above, does not always mean diagnosis is directed to lung cancer. Because of the above symptoms are common and could be a symptom that indicates other pulmonary disease or because of the side effects of smoking that is temporary.
For that reason we recommend that you check with your doctor or consult to find out the exact conditions do you suffer from lung cancer or not. With a proper diagnosis, then further treatment will be given by a doctor.
Causes Of Lung Cancer
Causes of lung cancer in General and many are triggered by a variety of factors. However, in most cases more frequent smoking habit increases the risk of a person against this deadly disease. Well, to know more clearly what are the triggers or factors that can make a person exposed to attack lung cancer, then check out below.
Cigarette Smoke
Active and passive smokers alike are at high risk of developing cancer of the lungs. This is because each cigarette contains thousands of substances that are not good for health. Smoking and lung cancer are so closely inter-related. Smoking is one of the many causes of lung cancer are most plentiful. Because of the danger of impact from smoking a lot that mention that the more cigarettes you suction then the faster also you have cancer.
For example, if you smoke as many as 20 stems in one day then you will increase the risk of cancer is hit in 20 years later. In the meantime if you smoke 40 rods in one day then you will probably increase the risk of exposure to lung cancer in the next 10 years.
Not only are actively smoking people who accidentally sucking up a puff of cigarette smoke and lasts a long period of time they will be at risk affected by lung cancer. For that is the risk of the besr of diseases of this one is not focused only on smokers but rather to the smoking itself.
For a man who had never smoked were exposed to the risk of an attack of the disease lung cancer is small, but slightly increased in people who are exposed by the cigarette smoke from other orag regularly. Because smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer can strike, then avoid it is a wise solution in this case.
Tobacco smoke in smoking is a complex mixture that consists of thousands of different substances that almost the entirety of the substance is not good for health. Several substances including addictive nicotine,in it ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, substances stimulants are substances that will poison the human body and the elements of the burning tar in cigarettes is known to be one of the causes of smoking is a trigger of lung cancer.
If the active smoker is someone who has a dependency against smoking but if you are not a smoker you can be said to be passive smokers when you often exposed to cigarette smoke.
A passive smoker is someone who is a smoker, the surroundings as well as pregnant women or children who are brought into the smoking environment by their father. It's what makes the child and the pregnant woman can be said to be a passive smokers due to inhaling cigarette smoke from their husband or father who is a smoker.
Exposure To Abscess
People affected by exposure to risk an abscess larger attack of lung cancer than those not afflicted by his speech he. This is the definition of exposure exposure to entering through the respiratory tract or air.
The Risk Of Work
Place or unhealthy work environment will also be able to trigger the risk of cancer on this one. Less healthy environments such as the presence of dangerous particles or substances exposure to the presence of arsenic, radiation and some exposure to other chemicals aka make risk lung cancer disease affected could rise on a person. In addition, the dust and fumes from metal, nickel, chromium is one of the causes of the incidence of lung cancer.
The age of
Although the disease is more frequently experienced by adults, but it is not impossible teenagers or younger people will also be able to experience cancer risk on this one. Someone with over 40 years of age, have a higher risk of attacks against a disease that is this one.
Lung cancer in General will not be detected until this condition is at a stage further. However, in some cases, the disease can be diagnosed from the beginning though likely will be relatively small. For the reason, you should immediately check with your health to the doctor to find out if a scary health problems this attack you.
The sooner the treatment is done, it will be the better their impact. A treatment will probably be successful if done from the beginning. When lung cancer is spreading into other parts of the body such as bone and other organs, a process usually referred to as ' metastasizing ' with a token as follows:
- Jaundice (eyes, nails, and skin is yellow)
- Bone aches and pains are excellent
- Numbness in feet
- Swelling of the skin surface
- Headache
Handling On Lung Cancer
Lung cancer treatment will depend largely on the type of cancer that is experienced by the sufferer. The rate of spread of the cancer and health condition the sufferer will also have an effect on cancer treatment and methods of handling this one.
When medical treatment to the doctor is usually on preexisting conditions continues the doctor will perform a surgical operation to lift up the cancer. This is done if the cancer cells have not spread widely to other body fails. But if the patient's health condition does not allow to perform surgical removal surgery then usually other handling will be applied. The process in question was the destruction of cancer cells by way of radiotherapy which is run by doctors.
In essence the cure of lung cancer will depend on the spread of cancer in the body and when a diagnosis of cancer is unknown. Therefore the sooner the diagnosis is done then the chances of success of the treatment will be higher.
The disease is very terible. Nice post brother.
ReplyDeletenich infonya