Here's some Nutritious Foods speed up Pregnancy


Nutritious Foods speed up Pregnancy

The difficulty to have children often experienced by some women. Even for the already married until 10 to 15 years still do not have children. Many causes of why you're having trouble getting pregnant, fertility factor being one reason, women or men have the same percentage having trouble conceiving, namely 40% the rest is another factor ranges between 5-10%. Unhealthy life pattern becomes one of the causes of the difficulty of someone to get pregnant. It is important for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle habits including in food consumption. By providing a balanced nutritional intake per day of conception and development can support the candidate of the fetus. For those of you who want to quickly get pregnant you can increase the consumption of nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin B, vitamin D, iron, Omega 3 and water to increase production of hormones associated with fertility, testosterone and estrogen.

The following are the types of foods that contain nutrients — nutrients needed in helping you to get pregnant fast:

  • content of foods with folic acid

Folic acid has a very important role in providing nutrition before and during pregnancy. Folic acid will help in a period of rapid cell division in its growth. Prepare for your pregnancy with the adequacy of folic acid so that it helps reduce the risk of impaired development of the baby. Consumption of green vegetables, whole grains, beans, chicken liver or beef.

  • Foods rich in vitamin B

Much research that links between vitamin B with reproductive fertility. Vitamin B plays a role in fertility is vitamin B12 for males and vitamin B6 for females. Foods with vitamin B is with wheat, fish, beans, milk and eggs.

  • Food sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D is associated with fertility which can balance the hormones that affect their reproduction. Foods with vitamin D can you consume is cereal, cheese, liver, eggs, milk and yeast. In addition to the Sun also gives donations in ovulation in females resulting in the egg that will be embedded into a chance to pregnancy.

  • Food with Iron content

The low iron content will affect fertility or infertility. You can prepare the pregnancy with the consumption of iron so that it can avoid a shortage of blood during pregnancy. Foods with iron content is danging beef, salmon, tuna, egg, tofu, peanut butter and raisins.

  • Foods that contain Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids can be produced naturally but for you who are having fertility disorders then omega 3 food consumption associated with the quality of the embryo. Omega 3 plays a role in helping to facilitate the flow of blood to produce a healthy placenta required baby. Food sources of omega 3 ingredient found in fish oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.

  • Liquid enough

Consume water can be attributed to an increase in fertility fertility hormones so, who plays on the women's estrogen hormones namely will increase. In addition white water was instrumental in increasing the fertility of the male hormone testosterone that is. For those who perform fertility therapy is usually recommended to consume mineral water with the amount your body needs every day. Even recent research showed the presence of an increase in the hormones in women as well as men while showering in the morning using cold water so that it can increase fertility.

For more details about the foods that can speed up pregnancy then you can also consult directly with experts on this subject.

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