Nutrition and Nutrition of pregnant women
Nutrition and Nutrition of pregnant women is an important thing that must be met as long as the pregnancy progresses. The risk of fetal health is being conceived and mother containing would be reduced if pregnant women get nutrition and balanced nutrition. Therefore, families and pregnant women must pay attention on this matter. Nutrition or nutrition of pregnant women conditions tantamount to setting about nutrition healthy eating patterns. only, pregnant women have to be more careful in choosing foods because given the health of the fetus that are currently contains.
Along with the age of the pregnancy continues to grow, the increased necessity of eating nutrition and nutrition of pregnant women, particularly when entering the second trimester gestational age. At the time of the second trimester, a fetus is growing very rapidly, in particular regarding the growth of the brain follows the order was.
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Nutrition of pregnant women |
pregnant Nutrition and mother nutrition good nutrition when pregnancy lasts very helping pregnant women and the fetus through days of her pregnancy. Surely a pregnant mother and fetus will remain healthy. During pregnancy, nutritional needs will increase as the need for calcium, iron and folic acid. Pregnant women must give encouragement in order to consume foods that are both nutritious comfort, plus control over the increase in his weight during pregnancy to take place. Ideal weight gain ranges between 12-15 pounds.
In order for the development of the fetus is well underway, and pregnant women can undergo days of her pregnancy with healthy eating, consumption of pregnant women's nutrition must contain the following:
Calories. Calorie consumption during pregnancy must be incremented in the range of 300-400 kcal per day. The calories in a can must come from food sources vary, where healthy eating patterns 4 5 must see as perfect. Good idea, 55% of the calories in the get from tubers and rice as a source of carbs, good fats of vegetable or animal as much as 35%, 10% from protein and vegetables as well as fruit scould complement.
Asama Folate. The fetus is in dire need of folic acid in large quantities to the formation of cells and nervous system. During the first trimester the fetus would need extra folic acid as much as 400 micrograms per day. If the fetus is experiencing a shortage of folic acid will be, then this will make the development of the fetus is not perfect and can make the fetus was born with abnormalities like experiencing anenchephaly (no skull), cleft lip and suffering from spina bifda (a condition where the spine is not connected). Folic acid can be on fruits, brown rice and green vegetables.
Protein. In addition to being a source for calories and builders, the formation of blood cells and is one of the functions of the proteins. Protein needed by expectant mothers with a population of about 60 grams per day or 10 grams more than usual. Protein can be obtained from beans, tempe, egg whites, meat and know.
Calcium. Function in growth and formation of teeth and the bones of the fetus. With there enough calcium during pregnancy, pregnant women can escape from disease osteoporosis. Why this could happen? because if pregnant women don't have enough calcium, then the needs of the fetus would be calcium bone will be taken from his mother. Milk and other processed products is a good source of calcium, in addition to calcium, milk has other vitamin required pregnant women, synonymous of vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin c. Besides of milk, nuts and green vegetables is a good source of calcium as well.
Vitamin a. very useful for maintenance of eye function, bone growth and skin. In addition vitamin A also serve as immunity and growth of the fetus. However, vitamin A Although badly needed by pregnant women, but never to excess in the consumption, because if pregnant women experiencing excess vitamin A it can make uninterrupted growth of the fetus.
Iron. Function in the formation of blood especially to form hemoglobin red blood cells and reduces the risk of pregnant women exposed to anemia. Iron will be required at the time of the pregnancy enters the age of 20 weeks. The need for as many as 30 mg iron per day. Iron can be found in liver, meat or fish.
Vitamin C the body of pregnant women need vitamin C to absorb iron. In addition vitamin C good to the health of your gums and teeth. Other functions of vitamin C is to protect tissues from organs of a wide range of kinds of damage and give the brain in the form of chemical signals, it occurs because vitamin C contains many antioxidants.
Vitamin D. calcium so that absorb can be very useful in bone formation and growth of the baby. Vitamin D can be obtain from food sources, milk, egg yolk or fish liver.
If pregnant women do not experience a variety of symptoms such as anemia, bleeding gums and other symptoms, so pregnant women can be said to have adequate nutrition and his nutritional needs. It is more important to check the adequacy of nutrition during pregnancy is of course through the progression of weight gain during pregnancy. Certainly weight gain varies each month. (Read: Ideal Body Weight During Pregnancy).
But what if during pregnancy pregnant women experience a lack of nutritional intake? then it can have an impact on the occurrence of babies born prematurely, resulting in a miscarriage, the baby abnormalities in the developing fetus, the system was not normal, even to causing the death of a fetus. So, pay attention to correct regarding the nutritional intake during pregnancy, to remember, do not meet the nutritional needs and nutrition because of quantity, but of quality nutrition with balanced composition and pretty, that's what counts.
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