Book on herbal medicine - Natural Treat Heart pain - A heart attack is a condition in which the heart muscle is damaged.This is due to the supply of blood to the muscle decreases suddenly. This happens because one of the coronary arteries are tightened, or can also be caused by a blood clot. The heart muscle can be damaged permanently, even die if the blood supply to the heart was minimal. A heart attack can be experienced by anyone, because the related person's life pattern. The danger of heart disease is sudden death. Fatty acid and stacks of white blood cells in the walls of the coronary arteries that mensuplay of blood to the heart are known as plaques aterosklerotik. When this plaque ruptures, forming many blood clots are frozen. If this closes the artery, it can cause a heart attack. ( Natural Treat Heart pain )
Disorders of heart disease this is the most dangerous disease number (1) in the world, could even claimed lives. Heart disease is often considered paltry by the sufferer, not only because of the lack of knowledge of the symptoms of the disease, but also because of the lack of costs that must be incurred for medical treatment. How to resolve or treat heart disease this naturally could be used as one of the alternative way to treat your heart disease. Because by choosing natural remedies, then the cost will be much cheaper, certainly compared to medical treatment to the hospital which is very expensive.
Some of the symptoms of heart disease such as the following:
Often Fatigue
Excessive anxiety
Breath feels claustrophobic
Irregular heart rate
Often Sweating
Excessive Nausea
Pain in the chest
Swelling in the legs and Stomach
Heart disease arising from (an irregular pattern of life and good) or lack of attention on the condition of our body. In some cases, a lot of people who died of a heart attack, a sudden heartbeat stopped and also the other. Actually, this cardiac abnormalities in could've been detected by the presence of our symptoms.
Moreover, for those of you who have other ailments such as pressure (blood yg high), this will be very dangerous for you. If there is a battle between diseases (high blood and heart) it will most likely be the existence of a blood vessel that burst and will cause the heart to stop instantly.
treat or cope with heart disease naturally can be done as soon as possible and preferably then you need to know in advance the cause of heart pain that you suffered. (Regular or Diet) and carelessly can also trigger the presence of heart disease, because of the shortage of body (menkomsumsi many nutrients) that are badly needed by the body to perform the activity. Usually people who are fond of the (smoking) more compared to heart disease which is not a type of smoking. (Stress) and the lack of (sports) also cause disorders on the body so that the heart is not functioning properly.
Most of the food we consume is capable of lowering the risk of heart disease and also the regular gentle exercise we do every day, including:
1. Leaves Breadfruit Leaves contain flavonoids and sitosterol breadfruit that help improve the health of blood vessels and the heart. Petiklah old breadfruit leaves, then boiled into 5 cups of water to the remaining half. Once filtered, drink the water. Do during the week.
2. Sweet potatoes and carrots fotinutrien Substances found in sweet potatoes helps the circulatory system in the body and the body's cells are damaged. This substance is also effective against heart attacks. Prepare 3 pieces of fresh carrots. After washed, grated and grab the water by means of squeezed and then add 2 tbsp. of honey. This natural herb to drink as much as 3 times a day until healed.
4. Juice noni Noni contains antioxidants that can ward off free radicals cause a heart attack or cancer. Free radicals cause deposits in the blood vessels, so menyumbatnya. You can also get the benefits of antioxidants from food sources in the form of green vegetables, including broccoli.
5. Consume Honey Honey helps to strengthen the heart muscle. Honey contains minerals, salt, sugar, natural substances and improve the performance of the heart.
6. Eat beans
A study involving more than 6,000 women found that those who ate nuts or peanut butter in large quantities they would risk cutting heart disease almost by half.
7. Strowbery
Anti oxidants found in strawberry fruit in the form of a combination of vitamin C and tannins, may help protect arteries from damage, as well as prevent the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels.
Read More >> Strawberry benefits for health
8. Tomato/tomato sauce
a high content of antioxidants in tomatoes that have been processed like in tomato sauce or juice can lower the risk of heart disease. eating tomato sauce 80 grams a day could reduce the ill effects of fatty foods against the lining of the blood vessels and prevents the formation of plaque that can be a major cause of the occurrence of blockage in a blood vessel or artery damage is called. An antioxidant called lycopene in tomatoes is known to be higher than Vitamin E, when the tomatoes are cooked and processed tomato consumption instead of raw.
Consuming raw or cooked tomatoes are excellent in reducing the risk of heart illness.
9. Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acid that is enough or fish oil.
Studies show that when taken in proper doses, omega 3 fatty acids can reduce a variety of risk factors for heart disease, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure. Other studies have shown that omega 3 could also help some aspects of rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, osteoporosis, and kidney disease. However more research remains to be done, before the proof can be considered conclusive.
10. (Jog) 30 minutes each day in the morning and evening can lower the risk of heart disease
The immune be increased with regular workouts, one jogging. Not only are train performance of heart, jogging can also reduce blood pressure and make you escape from a variety of ailments.
With (regular exercise) and keep (diet) is good it will keep the body can still do its function properly, sleep patterns are also very influential for health especially for those of you who are sufferers of heart disease, keep the number of hours of sleep you are very important, so you sleep for 8 hours in a day last night, so that the body can remain healthy and are not easily tired when doing activities that are a little heavier and takes quite a long time.

Disorders of heart disease this is the most dangerous disease number (1) in the world, could even claimed lives. Heart disease is often considered paltry by the sufferer, not only because of the lack of knowledge of the symptoms of the disease, but also because of the lack of costs that must be incurred for medical treatment. How to resolve or treat heart disease this naturally could be used as one of the alternative way to treat your heart disease. Because by choosing natural remedies, then the cost will be much cheaper, certainly compared to medical treatment to the hospital which is very expensive.
Some of the symptoms of heart disease such as the following:
Often Fatigue
Excessive anxiety
Breath feels claustrophobic
Irregular heart rate
Often Sweating
Excessive Nausea
Pain in the chest
Swelling in the legs and Stomach
Heart disease arising from (an irregular pattern of life and good) or lack of attention on the condition of our body. In some cases, a lot of people who died of a heart attack, a sudden heartbeat stopped and also the other. Actually, this cardiac abnormalities in could've been detected by the presence of our symptoms.
Moreover, for those of you who have other ailments such as pressure (blood yg high), this will be very dangerous for you. If there is a battle between diseases (high blood and heart) it will most likely be the existence of a blood vessel that burst and will cause the heart to stop instantly.
treat or cope with heart disease naturally can be done as soon as possible and preferably then you need to know in advance the cause of heart pain that you suffered. (Regular or Diet) and carelessly can also trigger the presence of heart disease, because of the shortage of body (menkomsumsi many nutrients) that are badly needed by the body to perform the activity. Usually people who are fond of the (smoking) more compared to heart disease which is not a type of smoking. (Stress) and the lack of (sports) also cause disorders on the body so that the heart is not functioning properly.
Most of the food we consume is capable of lowering the risk of heart disease and also the regular gentle exercise we do every day, including:
1. Leaves Breadfruit Leaves contain flavonoids and sitosterol breadfruit that help improve the health of blood vessels and the heart. Petiklah old breadfruit leaves, then boiled into 5 cups of water to the remaining half. Once filtered, drink the water. Do during the week.
2. Sweet potatoes and carrots fotinutrien Substances found in sweet potatoes helps the circulatory system in the body and the body's cells are damaged. This substance is also effective against heart attacks. Prepare 3 pieces of fresh carrots. After washed, grated and grab the water by means of squeezed and then add 2 tbsp. of honey. This natural herb to drink as much as 3 times a day until healed.
4. Juice noni Noni contains antioxidants that can ward off free radicals cause a heart attack or cancer. Free radicals cause deposits in the blood vessels, so menyumbatnya. You can also get the benefits of antioxidants from food sources in the form of green vegetables, including broccoli.
5. Consume Honey Honey helps to strengthen the heart muscle. Honey contains minerals, salt, sugar, natural substances and improve the performance of the heart.
6. Eat beans
A study involving more than 6,000 women found that those who ate nuts or peanut butter in large quantities they would risk cutting heart disease almost by half.
7. Strowbery
Anti oxidants found in strawberry fruit in the form of a combination of vitamin C and tannins, may help protect arteries from damage, as well as prevent the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels.
Read More >> Strawberry benefits for health
8. Tomato/tomato sauce
a high content of antioxidants in tomatoes that have been processed like in tomato sauce or juice can lower the risk of heart disease. eating tomato sauce 80 grams a day could reduce the ill effects of fatty foods against the lining of the blood vessels and prevents the formation of plaque that can be a major cause of the occurrence of blockage in a blood vessel or artery damage is called. An antioxidant called lycopene in tomatoes is known to be higher than Vitamin E, when the tomatoes are cooked and processed tomato consumption instead of raw.
Consuming raw or cooked tomatoes are excellent in reducing the risk of heart illness.
9. Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acid that is enough or fish oil.
Studies show that when taken in proper doses, omega 3 fatty acids can reduce a variety of risk factors for heart disease, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure. Other studies have shown that omega 3 could also help some aspects of rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, osteoporosis, and kidney disease. However more research remains to be done, before the proof can be considered conclusive.
10. (Jog) 30 minutes each day in the morning and evening can lower the risk of heart disease
The immune be increased with regular workouts, one jogging. Not only are train performance of heart, jogging can also reduce blood pressure and make you escape from a variety of ailments.
With (regular exercise) and keep (diet) is good it will keep the body can still do its function properly, sleep patterns are also very influential for health especially for those of you who are sufferers of heart disease, keep the number of hours of sleep you are very important, so you sleep for 8 hours in a day last night, so that the body can remain healthy and are not easily tired when doing activities that are a little heavier and takes quite a long time.
thank you for information.. Now i know