Benefits of celery for kidney function
On the types of vegetables including celery and also kind of medicinal plants that are usually used to make a soup or salad. Besides celery that has benefits for your body so that the often used as celery mixture to make juice. Research on some celery is able to maintain the health of your kidneys function. The kidney is an important organ that plays a role in filtering the blood so that your body is not poisoned by filth that is produced by the body, can set the volume of the blood so that it can maintain a balance in the body and also able to recycle water, minerals, glucose and nutrients also enter into nefron and then return it to the blood circulation.Celery has a high content of vitamin A, while the stem is a source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C with a rich supply of potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and sodium content of essential amino acids. The nutrients contained in the celery will work optimally when you make it into juice. Natural organic sodium salts in IE celery is very safe for consumption and it is very important for the health of the body. Even for you that are experiencing interference with the stability of the blood such as hypertension is still safe to consume sodium contained in celery. Benefits of celery is always associated with lower blood pressure when celery can also help you in keeping your kidney function.
Here are the steps that you can do in maintaining renal function using celery, first, take a bunch of leaves of celery then wash to clean. Both the small size of the cut celery and then input into the pot. Boil for ten minutes and cooled. You can take one glass per day and will help you to reduce the toxins piled out in the urine. The latest study shows that celery is also effective in the fight against cancer. Celery is known to contain at least eight family of anti-cancer compounds. Among them is acetylenics which has been proven to stop the growth of tumor cells. Fenolat acid that blocks the action of prostaglandins that encourages the growth of tumor cells. And coumarin which help prevent free radicals from damaging cells. Besides the mineral content of the celery is also able to balance the pH in the body and neutralizes the acidity.
On the celery athletes can be consumed by the way in the juice to perfect post workout tonic due to replace the electrolytes that are lost and it rehydrates the body with mineral content contained in celery. Coumarin content of phytochemicals in celery was able to prevent the formation and the development of cancer of the bowel and stomach. In addition the celery is capable of being a natural laxative effects a celery helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax the nerve fibres that have worked too hard in the digestion.
For those of you having problems with body temperature, you can consume a cup of celery juice two to three times a day, between meals. It's wonderful help to normalize the body temperature. The content of celery juice made of celery can help control your appetite. It is a useful diuretic effect of celery that help breakdown and elimination of urine and bile. Consumption of celery juice regularly for optimal results.
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